2014, May 20 Board of Councilors Minutes

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CAJ Gakkou Houjin Board of Councilors Meeting
May 20, 2014, 8:45 a.m.
Matsukawa Place, Higashi Kurume, Tokyo


Gaius Berg led the board in devotions on a biblical response to wealth. The board then prayed.



  1. Melinda Balona (Member at Large)
  2. Gaius Berg (for WorldVenture and Alumni Representative)
  3. Pauline Carlson (ECC)
  4. Michael Essenburg (Staff)
  5. Andrea Johnson (ECC)
  6. Paul Johnson (Member at Large)
  7. Gerald May (TEAM)
  8. Lawrence Mutenda (Member at Large)
  9. Aileen Selander (TEAM)
  10. Paul Tsuchido Shew (Member at Large and Educator)
  11. Lawrence Spalink (CRJM)
  12. Steven Tarter (SEND International)
  13. Brian Vander Haak (Head of School)
  14. Suzanne Warren (OMS)
  15. Jonathan Winter (SEND International)
  16. Yew Keong Wong (OMF for OMS)


  1. Ken Taylor (WorldVenture) gave his proxy to Gerald May (TEAM).


  1. Misook Gho (CRJM)
  2. Kenichi Shinagawa (Member at Large)


  1. Stoesz, Karen (Observer)

SY 13-14:10 Call to Order  

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with seventeen of the nineteen (17/19) Councilors present (1 by proxy). Ten members (a majority) are necessary to establish a quorum.

SY 13-14:11 Election of the Meeting Chair

Michael Essenburg moved and Paul Tsuchido Shew seconded to elect Gerald May to serve as meeting chair.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:12 Approval of the agenda

Steven Tarter moved and Pauline Carlson seconded to approve the agenda, with the addition of election a vice chair and a review of the Act of Endowment, Chapter 4.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:13 Signers of the Minutes

MSC to designate Aileen Selander and Lawrence Mutenda, in addition to Board of Councilors Chair Gerald May, as signers for the minutes of the May 20, 2014 Board of Councilors meeting.

Presentation of the Audit

Rick Seely presented the Independent Auditor’s Report from the Nagao Accountancy Corporation for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014.

SY 13-14:14 Acceptance of the Audit

Moved by Jonathan Winter and seconded by Pauline Carlson to accept the Independent Auditor’s Report from the Nagao Accountancy Corporation for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:15 Election of the Board of Councilors

Moved by Michael Essenburg and seconded by Andrea Johnson to approve the following slate of nominees for the Christian Academy in Japan Board of Councilors for July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016:

  1. Balona, Melinda (Member at Large)
  2. Berg, Gaius (for WorldVenture and Alumni Representative)
  3. Buchholtz, Grant (ECC)
  4. Carlson, Pauline (ECC)
  5. Johnson, Paul (Member at Large)
  6. King, Dixie (OMS)
  7. Leenders, Johanna (for CRJM)
  8. May, Gerald (TEAM)
  9. Mutenda, Lawrence (Member at Large)
  10. Selander, Aileen (TEAM)
  11. Shew, Paul Tsuchido (Member at Large and Educator)
  12. Shinagawa, Kenichi (Member at Large)
  13. Spalink, Lawrence (CRJM)
  14. Stoesz, Karen (SEND International)
  15. Tada, Hiroaki (Staff Member)
  16. Taylor, Ken (WorldVenture)
  17. Vander Haak, Brian (Head of School)
  18. Warren, Suzanne (OMS)
  19. Winter, Jonathan (SEND International)

The motion passed unanimously.

SY 13-14:16 Election of the Board of Directors

Moved by Lawrence Spalink and seconded by Paul Tsuchido Shew to approve the following slate of nominees for the Christian Academy in Japan Board of Directors for July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016:

  1. Berg, Gaius (for WorldVenture)
  2. Carlson, Pauline (ECC)
  3. Leenders, Johanna (for CRJM)
  4. May, Gerald (TEAM)
  5. Shinagawa, Kenichi (Member at Large)
  6. Stoesz, Karen (SEND International)
  7. Warren, Suzanne (OMS)

  The motion passed unanimously.

SY 13-14:17 Approval of the Supervisor-Auditors  

Moved by Steven Tarter and seconded by Lawrence Mutenda to approve Taizo Morimoto and Sobi Abraham as Supervisor-Auditors for July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016.

The motion passed unanimously.

SY 13-14:18 Election of the Board of Councilors Chair  

Moved by Lawrence Spalink and seconded by Paul Johnson to elect Gerald May as Board of Councilors Chair for July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:19 Election of the Board of Councilors Vice Chair  

Moved by Lawrence Spalink and seconded by Steven Tarter to elect Lawrence Mutenda as Board of Councilors Vice Chair for July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:20 Election of the Board of Councilors Secretary

Moved by Brian Vander Haak and seconded by Jonathan Winter to elect Paul Tsuchido Shew as Board of Councilors Secretary for July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:21 Further Review of Board of Councilors Operating Procedures

Moved by Pauline Carlson and seconded by Andrea Johnson to table the proposed changes to the Board of Councilors Operating Procedures until the next Board of Councilors meeting and to appoint an ad hoc committee to provide a further review of the Board of Councilors Operating Procedures, including a review of election procedures.

The motion passed.

SY 13-14:22 Ad Hoc Committee Appointment

Moved by Pauline Carlson and seconded by Andrea Johnson to appoint Gerald May, Lawrence Mutenda, Paul Tsuchido Shew, Brian Vander Haak, and Michael Essenburg to the ad hoc committee on the Board of Councilor Operating Procedures.

The motion passed.

Discussion of Proposed Version of Article II

The board reviewed and discussed the proposed version of Article II.

Report on Head of School Search Process

Pauline Carlson reported on the head of school search process.

Review of Role of Board of Councilors

Gerald May, chair, encouraged board members to regularly review the minutes of the Board of Directors and to provide requested input.

Date of Next Meetings

The next meetings of the Christian Academy in Japan Board of Councilors are scheduled for March 10 and May 19 of 2015 at Matsukawa Place, Higashi Kurume, Tokyo.

Review of the May 20, 2014 Minutes

The board reviewed the May 20, 2014 minutes.

SY 13-14:23 Approval of the May 20, 2014 Minutes

MSC to approve the May 20, 2014 minutes, pending closing prayer and a minute for meeting adjournment.

Closing Prayer

Andrea Johnson closed in prayer.

SY 13-14:24 Adjournment

MSC to adjourn the meeting at 11:18 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Essenburg
Board of Councilors Secretary 

Signatures: May 20, 2014 Christian Academy in Japan Board of Councilors Minutes Approved

_________________________________________ (seal)
Gerald May
Board of Councilors Chair

_________________________________________ (seal)
Aileen Selander
Board of Councilors Member 

_________________________________________ (seal)
Lawrence Mutenda
Board of Councilors Member