in Japan
2011-2012 Staff Survey Results

In September 2011, CAJ invited staff to take an online survey. The survey was completed by 85 staff.

Surveys will be conducted annually and the results compared across time and with results from other schools. Surveys are an important part of our school improvement process, but are only meant to be one form of feedback. CAJ welcomes feedback and continues to encourage direct communication with teaching staff, support staff, and administration.

The results (below) are tabulated in terms of the rounded percentage of people rating an item as:
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Don't Know/Doesn't Apply
 Teaching Staff     Support Staff   
To see further specifics, use your mouse to roll over a pie chart
1. My students understand content and skills covered in my class(es). 2. My students' problem-solving skills are effective. 3. My students' collaboration skills are effective. 4. My students' communication skills are effective.
5. CAJ students use their learning to help others. 6. CAJ publicizes its mission statement and student objectives to the students, parents, and other members of the school community. 7. I understand the role of CAJ's board. 8. The education offered at CAJ is of high quality.
9. My students understand a biblical perspective of what they study. 10. My students use a biblical perspective. 11. CAJ's student objectives form the basis for curricular standards, assessment, and instruction. 12. I collaborate with others to examine curriculum design and student work.
13. I feel that what my students are learning in my class(es) is important to their lives both now and in the future. 14. The content and skills my students study are rigorous. 15. In addition to quizzes/tests, I give students different ways to show what they have learned. 16. My students' assessment results are the basis for measurement of their achievement of the student objectives.
17. Assessment results are the basis for regular evaluation and improvement of content, assessment, and instruction. 18. I use student feedback to monitor my students' progress. 19. In my class(es), I give my students enough opportunities to choose how they will be assessed. 20. In my class(es), my students regularly compare and contrast what they study.
21. In my class(es), my students regularly take notes. 22. In my class(es), my students regularly receive teacher feedback. 23. In my class(es), my students regularly work in groups. 24. In my class(es), my students regularly set learning goals.
25. In my class(es), my students regularly test hypotheses. 26. In my class(es), my students regularly are asked what they know before they study it. 27. In my class(es), my students regularly use diagrams or drawings to learn content. 28. The homework I assign helps students understand what they studied in class.
29. In my class(es), my students are on task. 30. My students use resources for learning beyond the limits of the textbook (for example, technology, library/media resources, collaborative activities, and community resources). 31. I use a variety of teaching methods in order to make classes interesting and meaningful. 32. My professional development helps me enhance the curriculum (content, assessment, and instruction) and improve learning and teaching.
33. I teach my students technology skills. 34. I vary my instructional strategies to address student needs and student learning styles. 35. Students who need learning support have a variety of options available. 36. I am aware of support services available for CAJ students (for example, guidance, ESL, resource, nurse).
37. I am knowledgeable about my students' needs, and I use this knowledge to modify instruction. 38. The feedback I give helps students know how they are doing in my class(es). 39. CAJ effectively reports on students' progress to students and parents. 40. CAJ has a safe, healthy environment.
41. I collaborate with my students. 42. I collaborate with CAJ staff. 43. People at CAJ care about me. 44. I expect my students to do well.
45. CAJ staff, students and parents effectively communicate with each other. 46. CAJ staff treat me with respect. 47. CAJ staff treat parents with respect. 48. CAJ staff treat students with respect.
49. I receive encouragement to use innovative approaches to enhance student learning. 50. Parents are involved in school improvement. 51. I am involved in school improvement. 52. CAJ's schoolwide improvement plan guides CAJ's work.
53. CAJ encourages parents to be involved in their children's education. 54. CAJ parents are involved in their children's education. 55. CAJ effectively uses community resources to support students, such as the use of professional services and speakers. 56. Students and their families can access student support through a school-based network of community services (for example, social, psychological, and health services).
57. I communicate with the parents of my students. 58. I understand my role and the Leadership Team's role. 59. There are effective processes for communication, planning, and resolving differences. 60. CAJ students focus on learning.
61. The Leadership Team encourages my commitment, participation, and shared accountability for student learning. 62. I focus my energies on helping students achieve the student objectives. 63. I understand my job expectations. 64. The Leadership Team maximizes staff expertise when making job assignments.
65. I am involved in ongoing professional growth activities. 66. The supervision and evaluation I receive promote professional growth. 67. I am committed to equipping students to impact the world for Christ. 68. CAJ's professional development results in increased student learning.
69. CAJ provides adequate member care. 70. I understand the process used to determine resource allocation. 71. CAJ has resources available to help staff grow, including ongoing professional development. 72. I have the resources I need to do my work.
73. I am involved in planning for CAJ's future. 74. Parents are involved in planning for CAJ's future. 75. The Board and the Leadership Team carry out responsible resource planning. 76. CAJ's buildings are safe, clean, and usable.
77. CAJ's campus supports the educational program. 78. Overall, I am satisfied with CAJ.
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